Dog Businesses You Can Start

There are many dog businesses to choose from, all of which are fun and rewarding.....if you love dogs! Do you want to work for yourself AND spend all day with your own pets?  A dog-related business allows you to do just that. I know as I've set up a couple of them myself, including this website on dog care!

Dog Businesses Guaranteed Easy To Start On The Cheap

Whether you're fed up with your 9-5 grind or just don't want to leave your own pooch alone all day, running your own business maybe right for you.

Dog Businesses - Why Start One?

There's dog walkingpet sitting, doggie daycare,  grooming, and even pet relocation services, to name but a few.

All great services for us owners to use but if you're anything like me, you hate going out to work and leaving your precious pooch all day.  You'd rather be there.  Right?

So why not take your passion for pets to the next level and actually be paid for doing something you love. After all, doing something that you love is the best way to become successful at what you do.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius

Dog businesses have grown in popularity as they provide companionship and socialization for millions of lonely pets whose owners work. Most dog businesses require relatively little start-up costs. And, they offer you, the dog-loving entrepreneur, the perfect moneymaking opportunity.

Many owners today include their pets as part of the family.  In doing so, they are willing to pay for professional services to make sure their 4-legged pals are cared for properly. Which is all good news, for you, the potential entrepreneur! And there are plenty of dog businesses to choose from.

Here are some great ideas of dog businesses to get you started!

1) Dog Walking Business

Of all the dog businesses, this is probably the easiest and cheapest pet-related business to start. It's quick and easy and most of the time you can have your best pal with you. 

Both the clients' dogs and yours will get a really good workout. Oh, and of course you'll get a fair amount of exercise yourself.

Of all the dog businesses, dog walking is probably the easiest and cheapest to start.  Most of the time you can have your own dog with you.

Starting a dog walking business requires minimal investment. You can do this as a full-time business or just part-time to earn some extra cash. Whatever suits you.

Obviously you will need to build up your client-base initially. If you wish to do this as a full time career, you will probably need to walk multiple dogs at once. I can  to start that client-base, how to find the clients, and even share some tips on walking and handling multiple dogs.

2) Pet Sitting Business

This is another fairly low cost and easy dog business to start.

Pet sitting involves taking care of clients' pets in their own home while the owners are away.

Not to be confused with walking dogs, pet sitting involves taking care of clients' pets in their own home while the owners are away.

This could be due to vacation, business travel, or just that the owners are working all day and prefer someone to come and attend to their pets. Sometimes additional animals are involved such as cats, birds, fish, etc. 

Most often, as the pet sitter, you will go to the house 2 or 3 times a day to attend to the pets.  Alternatively, if the owners are away, you may be asked to stay at the house or, if its just a dog, you can keep him in your own home. It all depends on what you and the client decide.

3) Doggie Daycare Business

Doggie daycare is a great dog business that is very popular.

Have you ever come home from work to find your dog craving exercise and playtime?

Is she over exuberant and you're too tired to give her what she needs?

I can guarantee you are not alone. This was the number one reason clients loved the service we provided at the doggie daycare I ran in the UK.

Besides, dogs that are not exercised adequately (both physically and mentally) are frequently prone to behavioral problems such as chewing, soiling and other destructive behaviors. A doggie daycare helps clients with all of these problems.

You can start small and adapt your business as you grow, and grow you will.  Daycare facilities for dogs are one of the most popular dog businesses to start. You will quickly find that your facility is full to capacity and you will have to either turn clients away or expand. I know I did.

4) Dog Grooming Business

How much fun is bathing and grooming your dogs? Not sure about you, but bathing my German Shepherd is usually a huge job, he is not too keen, so it is a two-man job to keep him in one spot and we don't always win. And then there's the clean up afterwards, ugh.

Its not just the big boys that are a challenge, frequently those little guys have coats that are best kept groomed and clipped by a professional. Now, if you have a big dog that also needs special clipping and grooming, then you have a double challenge on your hand.

Dog grooming business.

If you and I have these challenges with grooming our mutts at home, then you can bet that most owners do too. Which makes a mobile dog grooming service a great start-up option.

That way you'll have all the professional equipment, and skills, to make the job of grooming so much easier. 

Grooming is one of the busiest dog businesses there is. The workload of a mobile groomer can be busy but you make your own time commitments. Based on the demand, it's a fairly profitable business, although it will require a bit more start-up money for equipment and training you should see rewards sooner.

5) Pet Relocation Business

Long distance relocation is stressful and hard enough on a family without having to consider how they're going to move their beloved pets. I found myself in this situation, TWICE! 

Pet relocation business involves transporting pets from one location to another.

Once when I had to move from the USA to the UK. And then the second time, 3 years later, when we had to move back to the USA.

In both cases, leaving my boy (Hudson) behind was not an option, and I know I am not alone with this.

Many, many families find themselves in this position and simply don't know what to do. Well, they know what they want to do, but how to do it, is the problem.

There are just tons and tons of rules and regulations that you have to follow in order to transport a pet and they MUST be strictly adhered to.

Owners that are moving don't need the additional stress pet relocation brings. By providing them this service you can relieve them of much anxiety and simply make the necessary arrangements for them.

You can operate a successful business transporting pets from one location to another. This will frequently be from one country to another so you will have to ensure that you become knowledgeable on both domestic and international regulations.

And..... it is another low cost start-up business opportunity.

6)Dog-Related Website/Blog

Now if all of this sounds exhausting and maybe a bit outdoorsy, then you might be more interested in something that's indoors and online i.e. a dog-related website or blog.

That's what I do and you can too. I used Solo Build It (SBI).  SBI is a great tool that helps you to craft an online business out of a hobby, interest, job, or just something that you know a little bit about and are happy to research more. So it doesn't even have to be about dogs.

Or, maybe you could try an online dog retail store. Unlike a bricks and mortar store, you won't need to pay rent and utilities and you can even get started with drop-shipping products which means you won't even have to buy inventory up front. 

To get started with an online store I would start with Worldwide Brands as they are absolute leaders in product sourcing especially if you're interested in drop-shipping.

All of these dog businesses are fairly easy and economical to start. Many of them can also be related to a pet business and not just dogs. There are, of course, many more businesses that involve pets but these are just a few to get you thinking. But whichever one you choose, be sure to advertise and market your new business.

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